You could comment on how and why you liked the way they presented the information.
You could comment on how they described, explained, and gave an example.
Remember to take your notes collaboratively outside of class so in class you can connect the information to the news and the other chapters this week. Thanks.
Mastery product Federalism 3.1
Mastery product on civil liberties
This is my mastery product for chapters 1 and 2:
To Jacob Arndt:
Dude, this Haikudeck thing is pretty sweet. I like how you are able to make it nice and concise and still pack a lot of great information on the section.
Jacob Arnt: very cool and set up nicely
Chapter 3 mastery product
Jake Arndt: You really explained the Due Process Clause well. Also, Haiku Deck seems to me like a good site when you have a lot of information. Good job.
Tiki Toki Federalism Mastery Product!date=1910-06-21_22:34:17!
Jake Arndt, your Haiku Deck is a really creative and neat way to display your mastery.
Mastery Product for Civil Liberties
Kelsey Cybell: I like how you did an interview instead of just facts. It makes the information more relatable. Good job!
Nick Berger: good job at fitting all the info in I could tell you took time in mastering the content
Mastery of chapter 1 and 2
Jacob Arnt: I liked how you set up your mastery project and that haiku deck place looks pretty cool. It was very creative
Mastery Product on Federalism
To Kelsey Cybell,
Your website is very easy to follow, organized, and creative! keep the good work up :)
Mastery product on Civil Liberties.
Jake Arndt: I like how you were able to provide pictures and lots of information all together. It was very concise, but still provided a great amount of information on each topic.
Mastery Product on civil liberties
Donald Carpenter: I'm impressed with how you organized all your mastery products into one easy and accessible site. It makes it a lot easier to see what your information is and how you have shown your mastery.
Rachel Schroeder:
The organization of your google site is very easy to follow; I especially like how you separated the terms from the other specific info. I've always had trouble distinguishing between all the important court cases, but you sum them up nicely!
Nick berger: i like how you used an online timeline for your mastery product, the site you used looks very helpful and i think it was very effective in showing your mastery.
-I already posted my link
All of my mastery products can be reached by going to
Nick Staniszewski: Your YouTube video was hilarious and also informative! Great Job! It make learning about federalism interesting.
Also , it didn't show my whole project, for some reason it is only showing 4 slides
Chapters 1 and 2 mastery product:
Kelsey Cybell, I really liked how you did an interview I thought that was really unique. Also your page was really easy to find the different chapters.
Jake Arndt: Your haiku deck is very creative and you explained your topics very well
All my mastery products are here:
Rachel Schroeder-- Your website is very knowledgeable, and I liked how it was organized into two separate columns with underlined words so I could tell what was more important :)
Chapter 5 Mastery Project:
Nick Berger: Nice job with the timeline, it shows the information very well.
Mastery product Federalism
Don Carpenter- I really like how you organized your mastery prodcuts in one spot, it makes it easy to connect everything together and relate them.
Jacob Arndt: I really like that haiku website. I like that your information isn't all on one page. It's not distracting or look unorganized.
Mastery product on Ch.1
Mastery Product on Federalism:!date=1981-10-01_00:00:00!
Tom Schneider - I like how many different slides your haiku deck had to provide better categories for the information.
Emily Hamer- I think the prezi you made was not only really thorough but it was also interesting to look at it.
Erika Baldwin - ALL OF YOUR PICTURES ARE SO CUTE!!!! I especially like the one with the Court Case Caterpillar and Uncle Sam. It made your information very engaging and was a great way to present it.
Agree with Danny Baumann's idea that Tom Schneider's haiku deck is masterful. 63 slides of goodness. (Plus Danny's a state champion...just sayin')
Emily Hamer: I love your create layout on your prezi and you had great examples!
Federalism product-
Rachel Schroeder: your product was very well organized and hit a lot of key facts. Well done!
I like your examples specifically because they help me understand the content a lot more! Sometimes the text in the book or online is difficult to understand so this made it easier.
This is my mastery product for federalism
Rachel Schroeder: I like how you organized all the information and included all the terms and court cases. It makes It really easy to study off of
I think my best mastery product thus far is my federalism timeline and the further explanation I provided on my blog. I think it put the chronology of events in perspective to better explain the material.
Erika Baldwin: Your mastery product on civil liberties is very creative while still being very informative. Your first mastery product's analogy to the life cycle/components of a plant/tree is also remarkably impressive. Keep up the good work. :)
Mike vidmar- love the layout and how it was presented. Great work.
Civil Liberties mastery product, symbaloo presentation.
My mastery product on federalism is my favorite. It is a rap to counter Jack Bloomer's and can be found at
Also, Jack's mastery product on civil liberties was very cool. I did tweet it through @MHSGoPo if you guys want to check it out. I thought the blog was a good idea for a mastery product, and I thought the content with which he showed his mastery was thorough.
This is my mastery product for the first 2 chapters on the Political Landscape and the U.S. Constitution:!date=1517-10-31_00:00:00!
Jacob Arndt: I really like the visual the HaikuDeck gave! You were able to get a lot of good information in while also giving a good visual presentation. I would definitely consider using this site for a future mastery product.!panel=1706664!
I think the Tiki Toki website works very well for mastery products and this one makes a great use of the time line feature. The sections are also very informative.
Master Product
Chapter(s) 1 & 2
Jake, I have never heard of haikudeck, but I might make my next mastery product using that. It is almost like a different form of powerpoint.
Here is a link to my Chapter 1 mastery product:
Allie, I really liked how you created a quiz. I though that was very unique because I have not seen anyone do that yet.
I like how you simplified it more, and made it more organized.
Tom Schneider:
Your haiku would have came in handy for that federalism test. I might just have to make one of these.
Master Product on Civil Liberties:
Erika Baldwin, I enjoyed your mastery product on civil liberties, it was very informative!
Danny Bauman: your alien one was funny yet informative. good job.
Federalism Mastery Product
Emily Hamer- You're product has TONS of great info. I also like how you organized it. It was very easy to learn from and I think would be very helpful to someone about to take a test on chapters 1 and 2
Nicholas Staniszewski- I liked your video; It was a little dark but went in broad detail and helped me out!
"Product of Mastery"
Becca Penn: I thought you had a lot of nice information and it showed you understood each learning target.
Justin Jezuit: Your chapter 3 product was a really good and clear way to organize your information. well done
Kaite Wirch: This was so cool! how did you make this? i like how it was a website and you could add t whatever you wanted! good job :)
Erica Baldwin: I liked how you used pinterest. It was interesting how you created projects and posted pictures of them in order to explain them. I found that facinating.
Civil Liberties Mastery:
Emily Hamer: I like the visual layout of your product, it helps make the information and examples easier to understand
This is my latest favorite Mastery Product:
Each section is very well defined. The charts and columns make the information easy to follow. The examples are relevant and further my understanding of each individual learning objective. I also liked that L.O. 13.1 and 13.2 were addressed. Most other Mastery Products I saw were of the later learning objectives.
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