Monday, June 24, 2013

5. What recent examples can you give of people gaining power, using power, or trying to use power (current events)?


Unknown said...

Recently, George Zimmerman went on trial for the murder of Trayvon Martin, and his lawyers used the power of persuasion to try to convince the jury that George Zimmerman did it out of self-defense.

Unknown said...

A recent example I can think of people using power is the supreme court using its power of judicial review to write opinions on affirmative action, the Voting Rights Act, DOMA, and Prop 8. It uses its constitutionally granted powers to decide which laws are within constitutional limits and which are unconstitutional and struck down.

Unknown said...

President Obama is trying to use his political power and American hegemony to advocate for tougher standards regarding Syria, even after the agreement with the Syrian government regarding chemical weapons. The reason for this being that the United States lost considerable hedge in comparison with the victory Russia had in maintaining no direct foreign military involvement.

Austin L said...

Bashar al-Assad has gained power in Syria, after his father died. Few years back he used his power to kill and stop peace full protest from its civilians. This inevitably led the rebels to raise an army and fight back. Now 2 years later he used chemical weapons on his own country and United nations cant do anything about this, because of Russia being such a strong ally. That it blocks all U.S. interference, which in turn gives him power.

Anonymous said...

President Obama is using his power to make a law that everyone must have healthcare by January 1, 2014, or they must pay a fee on their taxes at the end of the year. He is also using his power to make health care costs drop so that those that currently cannot afford health insurance are able to buy it.

Unknown said...

A recent example of people using power is Congress' attempt to use their power to stop a government shutdown and to end the shutdown as soon as possible. Each political party is using their power in each division of Congress to attempt to pass their views on how to solve the shutdown.

Anonymous said...

A current example of someone in the government using power is Barack Obama and gun legislature. With the published shootings popping up lately, power is given to people who do not believe guns should be in society. Obama takes this power by the hand to head his fight against gun rights, and guns in american culture. He illustrates the gun crime and violence that is happening in our lives with weapons.

Jessica Klamecki said...

A current example of people using their power is the republican and democratic parties because both are using their powers to try to get their way. The republicans are refusing to sign the bill, while the democrats are refusing to rewrite it or compromise and therefore making the people suffer.

Jessica Klamecki said...

A current example of people using their power is the republican and democratic parties because both are using their powers to try to get their way. The republicans are refusing to sign the bill, while the democrats are refusing to rewrite it or compromise and therefore making the people suffer.

Unknown said...

A current example of people trying to use their power to further themselves is the president. By passing the Obamacare healthcare plan, he is using his power to reform the healthcare system and show his leverage over other politicians.

Unknown said...

President Obama has used the power he has gained as president of the US to implement Obamacare. He is attempting to use this power to give affordable health care to all of the people of the USA.