Monday, September 03, 2012

Who has political power in the United States? Hint: Explain what the person has done that shows he/she has power. Be specific. Give the person's name.


Nick Berry said...

President Barack Obama has a lot of political power. He proposes the budget every year which says where he wants the federal government's money to go (military, welfare, auto industry bailouts) and where he wants the money from (taxes). He also can veto almost every bill approved by Congress (but Congress has the power to block the veto).

Unknown said...

Republican vice presidential candidate and U.S. congressmen Paul Ryan has a lot of political power. He is the head of the U.S. budget commity, He has laid out a plan to reduce the national deficit,and has also faught President Obama about Obama Care saying it would cost to much money, in the process of giving reasons why.

Zach Matusinec said...

Though it may seem that political power is found only in the three branches of government, this is not the case. In order for a person to have "power," he or she must be able to get others to act in accordance with his or her political views. As election season quickly approaches, each candidate is being molded by the lifeblood of his or her campaign: donations. Therefore, true political power is found in the major campaign donors. People such as Bill Gates (Microsoft) and Jeff Bezos (Amazon) are able to donate large sums of money in order to help candidates that favor their viewpoints get into an office of power. Furthermore, once these candidates are elected, they are more likely to favor an agenda that leans toward that of their major donors.

Mr. Bretzmann said...

Zach M. Nice work on your post. You include a definition of political power as you explain who has it. A very descriptive and effective presentation. Would you include Sheldon Adelson and others on this list?

Anonymous said...

Scott Walker has political power in wiscosin. This shows itself in two examples. The first is his ability to pass a controversial budget in the face of intense opposition. the second is his ability to survive a recall election by swaying the voters to reelect him and to defeat his opponents.

Unknown said...

Who has political power in the United States? Upon examining the definition of political power (one’s ability to persuade others to align with that person’s political views) it is easy to identify some people that hold political power. It is important to remember that the power is not evenly distributed to everybody. The United States is a form of democracy so the citizens (above eighteen in this country) have political power. To give an example, my grandpa has political power. My grandpa is a simple retired firefighter that has not held a political position so although his power may be small it is still valued. He can and has exercised his power by voting for presidents and congressmen that share his political views. He has also used his political power by lobbying for better equipment for fire fighters when he was on duty. Although he may not the be the president, a congressman, or even a mayor, my grandpa has political power through his citizenship in the U.S.

Hannah G. said...

Senator Ron Johnson posses a lot of political power, to prove he does ill start off with my most obvious of points. His job as a senator is to act as a representative for Wisconsin persuading the highest house in Congress the Senate to think as he does and get the senate to act on for his intentions. Also when Congress is not in session he goes to meet with his fellow constituents to see what needs/issues they should address during the next session of Congress and come up with a plan of action.

Unknown said...

President Barack Obama has the most political power in my eyes. Political power is the ability of one person to cause another person to act in accordance with the first person's itentions therefore Barack Obama showed us how much power he had by telling the soldiers to kill Osama Bin Laden. Also Barack Obama helps propose the budget every year. He may not be the one that writes it but the person that does is taking all his intentions into conciderations and writing it for him. Polical power can be show in an obvious way or a subtle way.

Unknown said...

Power can be seen significantly even dating back to when this country started when king Goerge III sent people over to settle this country. Him sending people well in some ways banishing people here was an act of power, he had the say to be able to make that decision. Further more and some years later to the revolutionary war period Goerge III used power once again over his military that he sent to America to restore order and show that he was in control and had the power that his soilders filled what he did and that he would always reign. But even the most powerful rulers fall.

Unknown said...

President Barack Obama defiantly has political power, the ability to have others act with his opinion. The president can appoint ambassadors, Cabinet members, Supreme Court Justices, and even other Judges of the lower level Federal Court Systems that can act in accordance to his views. Another way that Barack Obama demonstrates power is by his ability to veto bills (unless two-thirds or more of Congress override his decision) and he could do that if the bill doesn't pertain to his political views.

Brittany R said...

Power is defined as the ability of one person to cause another person to act in accordance with the first person’s intentions. Applying that definition to the United States, who has political power? In my opinion our President Barack Obama is one person that defiantly has the ability to cause others to act in accordance of his intentions. He demonstrates his political power frequently due to being “The man in charge”. By appointing the Supreme Court, proposing our nation’s budget, and having the ability to veto bills proposed by the senate President Barack Obama holds the title of someone who has significant political power in our nation.

Unknown said...

Someone who may not get recognized for having and using politcal power is Wisconsin Governor Scott Waklker. Through his ablity to veto bills passed through the state senate and assembly. Also having the power to declare a state of emergency when a natural disaster or somthing that could effect the people in the state in a negative way is happening.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Political power is the ability of a person of legal authority to have a branch of government or have the nation act in accordance to his/her intentions. A man who exercises such powers is Barack Obama. In his term as president he has exercised his power through ordering the persecution of Osama Bin Laden and has started the health care reform for ObamaCare--or more formally known as Affordable Care Act. This act has been implemented throughout his term as president but is said not to be fully ready until 2014.

Unknown said...

In my opinion, Governor Scott Walker has a great amount of political power. Power is defined as the ability of one person to cause another person to act in accordance with the first person’s intentions. The governor of Wisconsin has showed his political power by winning both his first and second (recall) elections. He was and is able to convince the public that he is the right candidate for office. Most importantly, he won the election even after creating the controversial collective bargaining reform. He had enough support of the people to outnumber the objections and pass the reform. Overall, Scott Walker has a vast amount of political power, especially in Wisconsin.

Alec J said...

President Obama has political power in the United States. The definition of power says that it has to do with ones ability to persuade others to align with their political views. President Obama has does this because he has the Democratic party on his side, respecting his policies. He also has political power because he can suggest budget, war, and medicare plans.

Unknown said...

A person that doesnt seem like she would have alot of political power but does, is first lady Michelle Obama. she has been striving to make Amerrica a more healthy nation which has thus affected school lunches. you can see this by observing our lunches at school, the portions are smaller, andmore fruit and vegetables are incorporated.

Haley S said...

Though he has never won an election, held political office, or even ran a campaign, American radio talk show host and political commentator Rush Limbaugh has an arguably large amount of political power in our country. His power is exemplified through his ability to get other people to act in accordance with his intentions. Rush Limbaugh is criticized by many, however he still holds the title of highest-ranked talk-radio program (“The Rush Limbaugh Show”) in the United States. Limbaugh is considered by many as the voice for conservative principles in our country.

Unknown said...

Paul Ryan, congressmen from Wisconsin, has recently gained a lot of political power after he was chosen to run with Mitt Romney as the vice president candidate. He has convinced others to vote in the way that he wants in the upcoming election with his speeches. By running in the next election he has also gained full support of the GOP. He also has power in that he is the head of the national budget commity. This position allows him to persuade others on how to improve America's economy.

Unknown said...

Vice President Joe Biden has a fair amount of political power in the United States. He has helped gain much support from the senate for several pieces of Obama Legislation. He also tried to reach a bipartisan deal on raising the U.S. debt ceiling as part of an overall deficit reduction plan.

Unknown said...

To me President Barack Obama has political power in the United States. He has the power to sign and veto bills that the Congress has passed. The President can also call or empower to have any emergency meetings with the Congress and Senate. He can also grant pardons, for example, Obama could reprieve anyone from jail, even if he/she was a murder or something else. President Barack Obama has the most political power in the United States.

Unknown said...

The President Barack Obama has an immense amount of political power. He has the ability to persuade others to do what he desires. He was able to get the military to hunt down a single person and his powerful speeches influence others thoughts and decisions.

Unknown said...

I believe that President Barack Obama has political power in the United States because the American people have given him legitimacy-politlca authority conferred by law and national constitution. He also has authority, the right to use power from the people. He even has formal authority since his power is vested in a governmental office.

Unknown said...

I believe that political power is vested in President Barack Obama in the United States. The American people have given him legitimacy- political authority conferred by law and national constitution. The American people have also given him authority which is the right to use his power. His authority is formal because it is vested in a governmental office, allowing him to influence more of the public through his title and media.

Unknown said...

Political power is not limited to elected officials. The media often has great sway over public opinion based upon the manner in which they report news and even what is reported. TV host Stephen Colbert uses political comedy to amass a nightly viewership of 1.5 million to his late night Colbert Report. Through parody of conservative politicians, Colbert shapes public views on the American political decision. Evidence of his political power or influence over others to act as he would, he was given 5% of the vote in the South Carolina republican primary and support for his Colbert Super PAC. Also, Bill O'Reilly wields political power. The O'Reilly Show was the most watched news show in 2009. In his show, O'Reilly portrays conservative views more or less in line with the Tea Party through commentary on news and social issues. His political power is shown in the correlation between the peak of viewership in 2009 and the rise of the Tea Party into office in Alaska, Colorado, Florida, Nevada, New York, South Carolina, and other states in early 2010.

Unknown said...

Political power is not limited to elected officials. The media often has great sway over public opinion based upon the manner in which they report news and even what is reported. TV host Stephen Colbert uses political comedy to amass a nightly viewership of 1.5 million to his late night Colbert Report. Through parody of conservative politicians, Colbert shapes public views on the American political decision. Evidence of his political power or influence over others to act as he would, he was given 5% of the vote in the South Carolina republican primary and support for his Colbert Super PAC. Also, Bill O'Reilly wields political power. The O'Reilly Show was the most watched news show in 2009. In his show, O'Reilly portrays conservative views more or less in line with the Tea Party through commentary on news and social issues. His political power is shown in the correlation between the peak of viewership in 2009 and the rise of the Tea Party into office in Alaska, Colorado, Florida, Nevada, New York, South Carolina, and other states in early 2010.

Tony M. said...

Political power is the ability to get others to agree with one's political standing. With that said, someone who possesses such power would obviously be the President of the United States, Barack Obama. One could say he has power through signing bills, appointing judges, etc. But one major power he has is giving a speech. Since he has earned the title as the president, his words are listened to all over the nation, giving him the political power of persuasion.

Anne L. said...

To me, the presdient of the United States has a lot of political power. Barack Obama has the ability to influence the behaviors of others. This is shown through his ability to sign and veto bills that may have helped or hindered the growth of certain programs. His addressing of several topics, such as the Middle East Crisis and the Nuclear threats serves as examples as to how his opinions influence our country's opinions as well. Becoming elected to office shows that a majority of the people support him and his decisions.

Unknown said...

Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts holds a lot of political power. Meaning that he is able to get others to act in accordance with his decisions on the law. This is however limited because his vote normally only counts as one vote unless there is a tie which his vote counts as the tie breaker. His vote on key decisions helps to determine how the lower courts will decide on thier own decisions. Most notably he voted on whether the patient protection and affordable care act was consitutional. The court then determined that the individual mantdate part of the act was consitutional but the expansion of medicade was not within the power of congress. Chief justice roberts did not believe that the indiviual mandate was consitutional but his opinion was overruled by a 5-4 vote. One other factor that contributes to Chief Justice Roberts political power is that he will hold his office until he retires so he does not need to worry about if the public like him or not because they cannot vote him out of office.

Unknown said...

Presidential candidate Mitt Romney has politcal power. Power is defined as the ability of one person to get another person to act in accordance with the first persons intentions. In 2002 Mitt Romney was elected as governor of Massachusetts. He turned around the whole states economy. During his term the unemployment rate dropped and the deficit cleared up. During his campaign for the 2012 presidential election he has created a plan for the United States. If elected he wants to help clear up the deficit we have accumulated and he is also planning to repeal ObamaCare. If elected he will gain more political power and could make a large impact on the country.

Unknown said...

Reporters, journalists, and other prominent media producers have the most political power in the United States. People like Tom Brokaw, Rachel Maddow, Bill O'Reilly, or even Rush Limbaugh and Steven Colbert are the people through whom many voters hear about political events. Any slant that they give to the story has the ability to influence the minds of voters. Many citizens don't take the time to read every bill that's up for vote in congress, or to watch every interview of every candidate, so they trust their favorite television show, radio program, or internet site to pick out the the highlights. Because of this, prominent media figures have a lot of sway over the minds of American voters, whether they choose to be responsible about it or not.

Unknown said...
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Mike O said...

Political power is the ability of a person to get another person to act in accordance with the first person's intentions. With this being said, I believe that Barack Obama has political power as the president of the United States. He is able to sign or veto bills that he agrees or disagrees with. He is also the commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces, and has the ultimate authority over our soliders.

PatrickW said...

The people who have the most political power in the USA today I think is the special intrest groups. They have the most power because they have the most money. Since they have the most money they are able to funnel money to certain canidates. Which allows the campaign the avertise and travel across the country so the candidate becomes better known.

Jesse B said...

The definition of power is the ability of one person to get another person to act in accordance with the first persons intentions. An example of someone in the government who has political power includes congress, who has the ability to write laws. The President can sign and veto laws, while the Supreme Court can decide whether or not the law is constitutional.

Unknown said...

President Barack Obama has political power in the way that he runs the country. he is able to veto bills passed trough the senate. he also proposes the budget annually. the budget decides where the money will go.

Noah Rusch said...

Ron Paul has political power. Though he is now out of the race for president, he has been part of congress over 22 years since 1976. He does not have nearly as much power as Barack Obama, but does have some. Since that date, he has sponsored or cosponsored hundreds of bills. Not only has he participated in congress, but he has influenced the thoughts of many. No, he does not have the political power of the media, or of Mitt Romney, or of Obama, but he still has power and strong influence over others.

Unknown said...

Barack Obama. He gains political power from the elections and because he was already president as well. He also gains power from advertising

Unknown said...

President Obama has political power. Examples of political power are creating a bill like The Affordable Care Act, he was able to bring troops back as the Commander In Chief, he appoints members in his cabinet, and propose the budget each year. By having power he is able to persuade others to acomply with his views

Noah Rusch said...

Governor Scott Walker has political power. He has been able to pass laws in Wisconsin, win a recall election, and get things done. The Governor has great power in Wisconsin, and makes many decisions that affect us.

Unknown said...

Everyone has political power in the united states becouse we have freedom of speech and your words can sway peoples votes. Politicians are people who run for office to gain substantial amount of politocal power.also if you have a higher status in society you have more power becouse your voice is more sought out to be heard.

Anonymous said...

President Barack Obama could arguably have the most political power out of all individuals. With his ability to take advantage of the bully pulpit and reach the entire globe, he can heavily influence public policy. Currently, Obama along with Biden are making videos at the White House in an attempt to reduce childhood obesity or at least increase the levels of physical exercise in the nation. In addition to impacting legislation on a public level, he also has the ability to veto. Him being able to reject a bill is the presidential check to the legislative branch. He also can pardon individuals that have been deemed guilty; this is his check on the judicial branch. The president has many other enumerated powers in the Constitution such as making treating, Commander in Chief of the armed forces, and convening Congress.