Monday, April 30, 2012

Federal Bureaucracy Review #1


Big Al said...

My interpratation of the federal bureaucracy is that it assures the public that use the materials or needs the task being proformed that it is safe to do so, because government inspected it.

ANichols said...

I agree with what Al said. "Somebody has to do it" is correct. To be honest, I never knew the the Federal Buureaucracy was responsible for the public policy's action. As a result, from learning this, I will now know this when exam time comes around! #CramForTheExam

Sfrasher said...

I agree with everyone else above me. I think that the federal bureaucracy is just another added reassurance to the American public about either a task or a policy that is being performed. I think that when someone sees that the government is behind something they have more faith that it is legitimate and it will be done with ample time and due measure.

APrichard said...

It appears that federal bureaucracy is simply the federal governments assurance that tasks will be completed properly and adequately for every member of the nation. This backing of the governement provides a sound stature for the groups that perform these tasks and provide a government which the average citizen may find easier to back.

aschulist said...

I never really understood what people meant when they said federal bureaucracy, but watching these lessons was a good way to get that information quickly before the exam. I can somewhat understand why the approval rankings are always falling for the federal bureaucracy, but at the same time I don't think they are given enough credit. The amount of things that Americans expect the government to do these days is outstanding and it's realistically not possible for them to do everything we want them to. I'm sure that they could do a lot of things better, but I think people should take that into consideration before they criticize so much.

sli said...

201 hours until AP GOPO EXAM!!

TPassow said...

Federal bureaucracy is good for America because it keeps the government in check by having them complete the task the way the American people need it done. Thanks for the refresher, and information videos!

tFugarino said...

The federal bureaucracy is kind of hard to interperet. but what i take it as the government reasuring the public of items they buy or use. this gives them a better sense that using that product is alright.

Anonymous said...

I had no idea what the Federal Bureaucracy REALLY was before watching this. I feel it was the most informative of the videos posted here. My take is that it is responsible to assure the public's safety with products and services. They have a very hard job and it is impossible to please everyone.