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Sunday, March 04, 2012
With Super Tuesday coming up, give your analysis and opinion of the current nominating PROCESS to be the party's nominee.

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I think that the "winner take all" principle will be very instrumental. Romney and Santorum are really close at the moment, and this will help one of them to rise above the other.
I think that the proportional system will help people like ron paul and newt, because it dosnt put them out of the race. The proportional system hurts santorum the most. If Santorum would get a few key wins with the winner take all it would make the election process more interesting. I still feel however Romney is the next in line. The money raised by Romneys super pacs should be able to carry him throughout the election, much like obamas did in 08. He prepared for the long run.
I believe that proportional systems would help the candidates that are not doing good, but the winner-takes-all system will help the two front runners in deciding the outcomes. I believe that front loading takes away the point of the elections. Elections should be evenly spaced apart so that the voting can be accurate, and not just for the candidate that is doing good for that week.
I think that super tuesday will be a very important day in choosing the republican nominee. On super tuesday 419 delegates are at stake. I think that super tuesday will either solidify the win for Romney. But if Romney does not do well on Tuesday Santorum will take the majority of the delegates and be lock in locked in a head to head battle with Romney for the rest of the republican primary.
I feel that with so many delegates at stake that who ever takes the most on super Tuesday will basically lock up the nomination. A strong show on Tuesday could lead to the likes Newt or Paul as the front runner of the race.
Hi. Please focus your comments on the process as opposed to who you think will win and/or who you want to win. Analyze the process. Opine on the process. Like this: "I believe that front loading takes away the point of the elections. Elections should be evenly spaced apart so that the voting can be accurate, and not just for the candidate that is doing good [sic] for that week."
I think that the winner take all system will help Romney the most. It can also be a huge benefit if the other candidates such as Santorum and Paul win in more than one state. Otherwise I think that Santorum and Paul will benefit from the proportional voting, seeing as then they would get a few votes. Although I think that each candidate should have focused in all the states and got the votes, unlike Ron Paul who may not have the votes that showed up to his assemblies.
I think that super tuesday is like the game before the superbowl in the nfl, who ever wins will go on to the superbowl, or in this case the General Election to face president Obama. It will be a very hard fought battle and will show who America really likes.
With the amount of delegates at stake this year's decision to switch most states to a proportional system will help Santorum greatly and could cause Romney's campaign to start scrambling for delegates before the Republican convention. On the other hand the winner take all states that are still around this year will help Romney greatly and may give him the edge he needs going into the Republican convention. No matter what plays out this year has truly been interesting for primarys and caucuses alike.
I think this year the primary won't be decided after Super Tuesday. The candidates will need more money to continue in the nomination process. Upcoming primaries will most likely benefit Romney, but the Caucuses will benefit Paul the most because he can move lots of people. My prediction right now is that Romney will win most states on Super Tuesday because he is the most consistent candidate.
I believe that super tuesday will play an important role in selecting the republican canidate. Right now romney and santorum are very close and anything can happen on super tuesday. If iether one does bad the other will pull out ahead.
I think that the Winner take all election will really effect the race between Romney and Santorum. A lot of the past primarys have been very close between these two candidates, so it should help out one of them a whole lot.
I think that the winner take all system is helpful for the front runners like Romney and Santorum because its a easier way for them to get a lot of delegates at one time. The proportional system is helpful to anyone who doesn't win the winner take all states. if a candidate cant win a winner take all state and get those delegates, their only hope to win is to get enough under the proportional system to keep up/
In this race there have been so many different front runners that pushing all the elections so close together may not be the best thing because it will help the person who is the favorite at the moment. However, I think that at this point of the race, the front runners have stablized just like it has between Romney and Santorum.
Since so far Romney and Santorum are very close to each other, then the super tuesday would be a critical day for them. Whoever wins on Super Tuesday would become the front runner.
I think that Romney is going to benefit from the winner take all states a lot. I personally don't feel that it is a fair way to determine which candidate gets the delegates because no matter how the close the race is, the winner gets everything. It just doesn't seem right in political situations like this. I feel really bad for the second place person, especially when it is close, and I am expecting that it will be Santorum in most cases.
Super Tuesday is, I believe, a bad idea. The people will only vote on who they think is best as of late. What if some "dirt" is brought up Wednesday? People will think badly of their vote and wonder what will happen now. I believe that the elections or voting days should be more spread out for more time to think about each runner in the race, to truly make the right decision in the peoples vote.
I think the winner take all prinicple is going to benefit Romeny as he is riding he momentum with his last couple of victories into super tuesday. tomorrow is going to be key for him on whether or not he is going to clinch the partys nomination.
I think that front loading is definitely the way that states get their voices heard. But I am not quite sure that it is the best way to choose the best Presidential candidate. Front loading gives the advantage to the candidate who is leading early in the year, while not necessarily to the candidate who is most able to run the best, most sustained campaign or who will fare best in the big fight with the candidate from the other party. I think that a better way to choose a party candidate would be to wait until a later date when the campaign has been going on for a while and have all of the state primaries on the same day or within a month or so so that voters have a more complete picture of each candidate.
With the winner takes all system, tbe front runners are really the only ones who will benifit. With the proportional system, is more even between front runners and other candidates. I do not like front loading, and I think that the election should be parted more equally in order to have fair, non-biased results.
I believe that the “winner take all” method will greatly benefit Mitt Romney on Super Tuesday. Mr. Romney has been in some tight races over the past month, and by accruing enough delegates to have the “winner take all” title the republican race will be all but over. Basically, the winner take all system will help forge a front runner who will ultimately pull away with the nomination.
I personally do not like the process. I wish that all states awarded delegates on a proportional basis. I feel that if a nominee wins a few big states that are "all or nothing" they have an unfair advantage. If 33% of the people in that state vote for you then thats the percentage of delegates that you should receive
Understanding the results of Super Tuesday, I suppose I was very surprised on what was going to happen. Futhermore, in my opinion I don't believe the Super Tuesday made that great of an impact on the election. However, the winner take all effect does have an impact on those who have a chance to win the big states. This is important because candidates such as Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul have a chance to come from behind because of the amount of delegates that they could potentially rack up; however, this was not the case. As a result, Mitt Romney is still the front runner and will continue to be the front runner unitll the end of race. Overall, Super Tuesday did not make a significant impact on the Republican race.
front loading can decrease the accuracy of the process by making the "hot" canidate the front runner in the first week. but the process it self is very well designed. The length gives the country to filter out the bad canidates and leave the best for the end, but it also can frontload a bad canidate and leave the worst for the end. The distribution of delegates allows a fair and accurate race not making every state winner take all allows canidates who may of lost by a few percents to stay in the race. Very complex but very effective process.
Well since you didn't post a blog this week, I'll post on o blog from one year ago. I think front loading is becoming a very important part of the primary. This really favors a candidate that is strong to begin with. It is hard for other candidates to get traction so early in the race.
Well since you didn't post a blog this week, I'll post on o blog from one year ago. I think front loading is becoming a very important part of the primary. This really favors a candidate that is strong to begin with. It is hard for other candidates to get traction so early in the race.
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