Saturday, December 18, 2010

Analysis: Do the president's recent legislative successes make him the "new comeback kid," or is it too little too late, or something else?

Tax Compromise: Passed
Budget Bill: Continuing resolution passed to keep the government open (the work continues to find a budget within the next three days)
DREAM Act: Failed (had only 55 votes)
DADT Repeal: Very likely to pass
START Treaty: Likely to pass


Mr. Bretzmann said...

btw: did you call or e-mail a WI senator to tell him what you think of these pieces of legislation?

J.Sardina said...

I do think that the president's recent legislative successes should definitely be proof for his potential to make things happen in Washington. However, I think his reputation among Republicans will surely lead them to try to steal the spotlight.

P.S. I actually have emailed our Senators, concerning the DADT repeal. (Via template on the Human Rights Campaign website)

KSASS said...

It's too early to tell with two more years to see what will happen. I'm sure that since the President has now compromised fairly with the Republicans many more compromises will happen in the upcoming year. If this does happen, I see this as nothing but helping the President, because compromise and getting along with each other looks positive from the public's perspective, unless, of course, we're talking about extremists.

KSASS said...
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JHoltman said...

I believe that the new legislation does help the President, but it is too early to tell how much. He is starting to govern in the middle, just as Bill Clinton did in 1994, and that helped Clinton win reelection. I believe the new legislation makes Obama appeal more to moderates as opposed to before the new legislation.

caseymedved said...

If the president is able to keep the legislative successes coming, yes, he can become the "new comeback kid". But if this train loses it's steam, no one will remember these accomplishes two years from now and they will be no use for a successful political campaign. Instead of being the "new comeback kid" he could be "the boy who cried wolf". i.e. "HEY, LOOK AT ME! I'M FIXING THIN...oh crap..."

Blake Kraussel hr. 2 said...

After the the recent successes of Barack Obama I think that he is being seen as the "come back kid." The reason that I think this is that he is finally starting to pass things he promised. The problem many people had with Obama was his assertions for change. Obama has now followed through with what he was calling for in the 2008 election. A new found comfort is being seen in the president. A couple of days ago he even gave the White House briefing room to former president, Bill Clinton. I expect big things from Obama in the next two years to come.

Rjsweeney Hr2 said...

I do believe that these recent legislative successes have helped the president out a lot. He has two years to go before re election comes up so who knows. There can't be any conclusions yet as to having a "comeback kid" status, but if he keeps on going the way he has been lately, I don't see what would be holding him back.

DannyF said...

I believe that this recent legislative success will definitely be beneficial for him. It is too early for him to be referred to as the "new comeback kid,". With all of the recent Tea Party movements and decisions Americans have made as to where they want our country to go in the future, I believe President Obama will need to accomplish much more with his last two years.

rrantala said...

I think that the recent legislative successes has helped the president in showing what he can do. If he is able to keep this up over the next two years he could be known as the "comeback kid" but it is too early to tell. If he does keep this up I think then he could earn this title.

writer said...

I think that the successes President Obama has acheived have the potential to make him the "new comeback kid." However, I think that retaining this title will depend entirely on what he does next. More successes and compromise with the Republican majority= keeping the title, but one mistake or standoff between the parties= disaster for the president and his repuation.

eboecker said...

President Obama's successes in getting legislature passed is a definite success. The change he has been advocating since he took office is now starting to happen, especially with the repeal of DADT. The public now has a bit more to cling on to now, so to some he may be a comeback kid, especially if he keeps this streak going.

twerner said...

I think that these recent successes are certainly a good start, but I’d like to see what more Obama can do. He still has two years ahead of him, but I think he’s off to a good start. Especially with the very recent passage of DADT in both the House and Senate.

Ahackney said...

I do think President Obama is finally living up to what he promised when he was elected. Whether he will be deemed as "new comeback kid" only time will tell. If he can keep this streak up maybe he will be able to turn skeptics into believers like myself and others. He might very well be on the right track with the recent legislative successes.

nklinka said...

It is never known how the decisions of today impact the futures of tomorrow until tomorrow comes. While it would be great to look into a crystal ball and know that the changes caused by President Obama were able to create large-scale improvements within our country, at this point in time we are incapable of knowing exactly how these legislative decisions will impact the future of our country. Several years down the road, we may see several of these decisions being major issues that changed the country for the better, at which time we may call the president the "new comeback kid." Then again, the new changes could wreak havoc on the country. Personally, I will hold off on any presidential nicknames until I have confidence that the changes made are beneficial in the long term.

bradysims said...

Barrack Obama..well his recent legislative successes could make him the "new comeback kid," but it depends if he if fact keeps up this success. We cant give Barrack Obama this nickname until he proves to the American people that he is gonna keep up the success he has received recently. It is indeed too early to tell because we still have two years left with his presidency, but if he starts to become unsuccessful, then it will be too late to become the "new comeback kid," because he cant become a comeback kid with say, a year left in his presidency.


ACzajkowski said...

Absolutely not... Just because one bill (which was mostly Republican-based) was passed does not make him a "comeback kid". Like on the post, there are three other bills LIKELY to pass. What does that mean? Nothing. I believe it is a little too late. However, I still think it's funny that people still have the nerve to have "Obama 08'" on their bumper.

SMiller said...

I feel that these recent policy decisions are more an effect of the lame duck congress wanting to get things done than President Obama's steadfast leadership of America. Each of the bills that have passed has had a lot of momentum propelling it along, especially the tax compromise with its bipartisan base. I think the DADT repeal was a long time coming, and it was more than just Obama's guidance that caused it.

Concerning whether Obama can be labeled the "new comeback kid", I would rather prefer to hold off on making a decision. These legislative maneuvers look promising for his actions in the future two years at the present time, but no success is guaranteed in regard to the President's future actions or the effectiveness of these bills. What if the DADT repeal destroys morale in the military? What if the tax compromise aids in another minor recession? These questions and many more will take longer than just the next few years to answer, but until 2012 election time, I'm going to hold off on labeling Obama and his recent noteworthy actions as valid accomplishments.

KRodenbeck said...

President Obama and the Democratic party realized that they must compromise with the Republican party in order to pass legislation before the Republicans take over the House of Representatives in January. I see it as a last resort effort and not anything to be proud of for Mr. Obama.

Rjohnson-evers said...

I think that the new successes are great for the President and for the country. The President is delivering on some of the change that he promised when he was elected. Not only the President, but Republicans are benefiting because he has adopted a more moderate policy. The bipartisanship being showed and the bills being passed are good for most people. However, I don't think that this makes Mr. Obama the "comeback kid" because this is what should have been happening all along. Also, this is as much a product of the lame duck Congress becoming a raging duck Congress.

cziolkowski said...

I think that these new bills that were just passed or will soon pass will be benifecal to our contry. Some of these are Obama's ideas but other such as the tax reform bill are more Republican. So I probably would not call Obama the "new comback kid" because these are not all of his ideas. Also many of these new bills are being passed in the lame duck session in congress, which is more Democratic than Repuclican. These senetors in the lame duck session that will be leaveing after this year, are willing to agree with more radical bills.

M. Francis said...

Obama is not shouldn't be considered a "new comeback kid," unless he is re-elected in 2012. These are some minor wins for him, for now, but these issues also have the possibility to hurt America in the future. These are very small wins for him now, but he has already suffered too many losses to be a "comeback kid" right now.

ckruesel said...

I think that even though the President has had recent legislative success it is too late. I think that the president lost a lot of his support after he passed the health care bill and these victories are not as high profile as the health care bill for the public to really notice and gain faith in the president. Also I think that the Republicans will do all that they can to reform or change the new policies that President Obama has instated.

AHanna said...

In short-term context, President Obama's recent legislative successes are positive because of the triumphing over partisan bickering - but that's just now. There is no way of knowing the impact of all of this legislation until there has been significant time for their effects to show. Therefore, it cannot be said that these recent successes make the president the "new comeback kid." It is actually rather difficult to give him any sort of nickname right now because legislation under his presidency has shown no immediate effect. The successes are due to cooperative work across party lines, and it is difficult to judge whether that will last or not once the new Congress takes session.

mpavelko said...

I think that President Obama's recent legislative successes made helped him gain respect among the people. Nicknames do not come from one or two large impacts though. For example, when a pitcher in the Major Leagues gets a nickname it happens after his career. Just saying. Like some before me have said the decisions are good for him but we will see the impact those decisions have made for our country in the future. It may have helped us for the better, however it may also made matters worse. Time will tell how these decisions affect us, however it might be the push we need to call him the new comeback kid.

Ecotton said...

hour 2

To be honest if he gets reelected then yes he is the come back kid, but its too early to pass judgment bad or good.

jwaltz said...

I think that the president's recent legislative successes are proof of trying to make things happen in Washington. He still has two years left to show the U.S. what he's got and I think he's off to a good start with DADT.

nspoerk said...

I would prefer not to use the term "new comback kid" when refering to President Obama on the grounds that this term seems to be a propaganda phrase thrown around by Obama's supporters to boost his faltering reputation.

My other problem with this is that it focuses attention on a relatively short span of his presidency in a relatively inconsequential area of politics. In Obama's term, social issues were not the focal point, as indicated by the relative lack of debate on these issues in the midterm election. What America cares about is her money. To draw focus away from the camparatively unsuccessful stimulus packages and the tanked economy by heralding the recent successed of Congress is to say that Los Angeles is a prosperous, tranquil city because the nearby Hollywood is the mecca of film production. And yes, I did just compare Obama's previous bills to the turmoil of gang wars. You can't overlook either the pros or cons of either Los Angeles or Obama's presidency. They must be taken as a whole. Yes, there recently have been major social gains in new legislation that should be applauded. But yes, we should also hesitate before applauding the President under whom our national debt has escalated into thirteen digits.

My other problem with this assertion is that Obama is tied too much with the legislation that passes under his administration. He does advise and reccommend actions to Congress and can have a huge impact on the course of the politics on Capitol Hill, but ultimately it is the senators and representatives who take the final vote. It wasn't Obama's push from outside that spurred the surge of new legislation; it was the relization in both chambers that, with a huge insurgence of Republicans, compromises are going to have to be made to get anything done. This relization is what has muted the partisan bickering in light of cooperation. Therefore, I believe that the more appropriate term would be call the new legislators the new "Comeback Congress."

sscheidt said...

I think that unless legislation like this continues to pass, the recent legislative successes will be too little too late for Obama. President Obama's overall approval rating has decreased consistently over the course of his presidency, and I think it will take more than a few pieces of legislation to make him a "new comeback kid". Many of these legislative measures have been passed as a result of the efforts of the last lame duck session and the power of public opinion, and not so much as an effect of Obama's presidency. Because of this, the results could reflect well on his presidency, but I don't think they will be enough to make him a "comeback kid".

CAbbey said...

I think that it is good that the President has realized it might be a good idea to work with the Republicans. I do not think he will be deemed a "comeback kid" because he really needs to work for the Republican side. I think he just wants positive publicity because of his party's bad reputation at the midterm elections.

LWundrock said...

Though President Obama has passed some groundbreaking legislation in the recent weeks, I do not believe that it is fair to award him the title “the new comeback kid”. Because he has still a half of a term left to determine the stability of his successes, who can really say if his streak of progression will stay consistent? In no way am I trying to understate the accomplishments made, but at the same time, I do not feel that they are anything incredibly revolutionary, but instead just Obama finally following through on what he had initially promised.
However, there is no doubt that, if he can uphold his symbiotic relationship with Republicans, he will win much support for future policy decision making, and perhaps gain more moderate support from the new Congress. Such bipartisanship is commendable, and will be the true test of whether or not Obama can be truly successful in the White House.

Zyork said...

I believe that President Obama's recent legislative successes do indeed show that he has potential to succeed. The election showed him that the people favored a more moderate point of view and he has tried to change. How much will get accomplished now depends mostly on how far the republicans let him go.

Blake Kraussel hr. 2 said...

I do not mean to attack those who think that Barrack Obama is not "The Comeback Kid" is kind of irrational. Those who posted on this blog that he has not proven himself is just irrational. He just passed Don't Ask Don't tell, the Stark Treaty, Tax Cuts, and other treaties/acts. What else does he need to do to satisfy you all?

Anonymous said...

Barack Obama can truely be deemed the "new comeback kid" if he successfully passes beneficial bipartisan legislation in the next two years. Right now, yes, he is doing well for himself, but noone knows what the future holds for the recently passed legislation in the past weeks. Honestly, I think the American people who are upset and demand the repeal of the healthcare bill are more worried about that than the other passed bills; the healthcare bill is the most largescale healthcare reform in American history and the people should be more focused on that. Based on my argument, I don't believe Obama is the "new comeback kid."

DWayer said...

It seems to me that if Obama truly is the "new comeback kid", he will be reelected in 2012. His recent legislative successes have indeed helped his image, but he has much to do before the 2012 election, and must see this level of success in the future. I think his less successful work is still outweighing what he is doing now and only time will tell if he can bring more positive legislation to America.

GLeGros said...

In my opinion the fact that President Obama's recent success has driven his approval rating up to about 50% for the first time in since his low point of about 41% in October forces me to believe that he has, in some respect, attained a "new comeback kid" status. This, of course is riding on the fact that he has been able to compromise with the republicans. The only way that his status will stay the same, and not dip to another low is if he can continue to compromise and make choices that will have a positive impact not only on our country, but also on his image and approval. He still has a long way to go before the 2012 election, but if he continues his recent course of action, I do believe he could attain and hold the status as a "new comeback kid".

EOetting hr.2 said...

I think President Obama’s recent successes do show that he is capable to get legislation passed. Using the term Comeback kid though sounds a bit too optimistic as of now, especially with a little under two years still left in his term. Using a term like that will come later in his term, if or when he gets re-elected or passes legislation that is extremely popular among the population.

Mwirch said...

It is far too early in President Obama's presidency to make him into anything. While Obama's progress on the bills listed is an extreme positive for him, he still needs to follow through and be able to finish them off. We will be capable of labeling Obama as "new comeback kid" or "too little too late" most likely in the coming year.

bradysims said...

Im not saying that Barrack couldnt ever be the comeback kid, but I feel he needs to do something really amazing. Anybody could have passed that. Not yet in my eyes is he the comeback kid!

RPawlow said...
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RPawlow said...

As Gabe had mentioned, Obama's approval rating had increased to a respectable 50%. This change in approval is an indication of citizen-approved progress; whether that progress owes its existence to past, present, or future policies is beside the point. The numbers show that the people are more content with the way things are running than before, and I can't argue with the numbers. For the time being, Obama is brimming with comebackedness (yes, I can make up words; I'm on the Internet).

JVarsos said...

For President Obama to be referred to as the comeback kid, he would have to have consistent improvement and turnaround value over the next two years of his presidential term. These recent legislative successes have improved his overall approval rating and show signs of what he is capable of. Also, these legislative successes have had prior influences and weren't necessarily proctored by the president. Overall, the next two years rather than the previous two months have the most weight in determining whether or not "comeback kid" is a valid nickname.

moconnor said...

I believe that the president's recent legislative successes give him the potential to become the "new comeback kid." However, I believe, like most Republicans, that we will have to wait and see to determine if President Obama is really turning things around or if his recent successes were just a fluke. I think that if the president does want to be referred to as the "new comeback kid" and wants to serve another term as president, then he should keep doing what he is doing and ignore what the approval ratings said over the past year. If President Obama keeps dealing with the new pieces of legislation like he did with the most recent ones then I believe that the approval ratings will naturally start increasing more and more. I think that the president has something good going right now and if he is willing to keep his options open such as being able to compromise with the Republicans then President Barack Obama could very well be the "new comeback kid."

nklinka said...

For a new twist on this...I don't think the president would wish to be known as the "new comeback kid." By him being known for a comeback, that would mean that his career is nearing an end. In President Obama's ideal world, he still has six more years of presidency, in which case this would still be the early stages of his time in office. In the world in which Mr. Obama loses his position in two years, there is no way he will be referred to as a comeback kid because obviously his policies were not reacted to favorably enough by all constitutents. There is no way for this particular bunch of legislative changes to make him a comeback kid because these shifts will either fail or be the early stages of a string of change for him to be successful.
When Cam Newton runs all over the Auburn defense, keep in mind, I told you it would happen. War Eagle!

JBerlyn said...

I don't believe Obama's recent legislative successes have made him a "new comeback kid" because there wasn't much he needed to come back from. It is true that his approval ratings have dropped recently but this happens with most presidential terms. He will definitely need to continue to work with congress to pass legislation before the 2012 election if he wishes to see another term but to call him a "comeback kid" is unnecessary at this point.
Klinka, why would Cam Newton run all over his own defense?