Sunday, May 23, 2010

Which races did you think were important last Tuesday and which ones are you watching for the future.

Florida Gov. Charlie Crist (R) narrowly leads Florida's U.S. Senate race, "despite nearly half of the voters saying he made a 'purely political' decision to bolt the GOP and run as an independent candidate in the Nov. 2 general election, a new St. Petersburg Times/Miami Herald/Bay News 9 poll finds. Crist leads with 30%, followed by Marco Rubio at 27% and Kendrick Meek (R) at 15%. However, the race remains volatile: Crist's lead over Rubio is within the poll's four point margin of error, and nearly one out of four voters are undecided.


aprichard said...

As for importance, I do not know if I can honestly say I find them important as they do not pertain to my immediate surroundings. Seeing that this is a Florida campaign for Senator. The article was about the three way race between Crist, Rubio and Meek for the republican primary. Since Crist decided to defer to an "independent" view point, I can understand why one might believe that this will most likely be anything but the average election, seeing that independents are usually infrequent and casually ignored by the general voting population. However, the poll has a four percent error. Since its not three, we should ignore it because our book would say it is inaccurate. 30 to 27 percent is still a relatively tight race. As for the Tuesday races, there appear to be a variety of primaries. The article was about Florida, and since FL was singled out, I believe your guiding hand tactics are telling us that that is the future election we should be watching.

Tereza said...

Regarding the Florida race, its interesting to see how candidates are using party identity to attempt to get votes- their main goal after all. As Crist switched to be an independent, his political move emphasized his lack of involvement with a particular party, seeing as how voters are typically moderate this may aid him. Rubio's overly right take on politics may effect him negatively, but also distinguish him against Meek and Crist who are independent.

morgank said...

Crist running as an independant could definatly be an advantage in the race. He has the lead now and we could just throw it out there that the reason he may be in the lead could be due to his leaving the GOP...

K-Iglinski said...

If he runs as an independant it can help and hurt him at the same time. People can't associate him with a certain party and this could hurt him. It also could allow people to see that he has many different ideas and he is an idealist. It is weird to see an independant as a major consideration in the runnings.

PMiner said...

ok, im not even gonna pretend like i read any of the article or the other blog posts... haha but mr. bretzmann, i sure would enjoy some blog credit!! :)
so i'm thinking that we should make copies of both musicals on one dvd for whoever wants one
i think itd be really cool of we could do that if somebody has the software and each person pays for their dvd to put it on

jmarczewski said...

See it's dirty little tricks like this that make people upset about political races. If Ryan Braun takes the Brewers to the postseason, then turns around and says "Haha, just kidding, I'm going to play for Boston now" people would flip out! But a Republican candidate can decide to become independent after he thinks he could win the vote?

From another standpoint, I guess this shows that Americans--or at least Floridians--appreciate an independent candidate because they themselves are becoming more independent. Did you know more Americans consider themselves independent now than ever before? A textbook taught me that at some point...

P.S. I agree with Paul's idea stated above. And I also think the audience of the plays should get 33% of the vote for who had the better play. The other 33% votes should then belong to Mr. Bretzmann and the class respectively. Or a text-in vote where voters automatically register to win a wreath.

MKlinka said...

Jesse, be realistic here, switching to independence is like going from the Brewers to the pirates.

In any case, I don't really lend much importance to a race in Florida which has a much different demographic than Wisconsin. I look forward to the next presidential election in the future by the way, I believe that counts, if it doesn't, you're a communist, this is also the longest run-on in the history of blogging. But really, I agree in that the poll is inaccurate.

JakeK said...

Everyone beware of Rand Paul. A lot of people like this guy. I haven't made up my mind yet. Keep an eye on Kentucky.

Anonymous said...

i think they were all important and that all races should be watched in the near future. this is due to the large oil spill reaching the american shore and how it will affect the economy in that region and then effectively most of the world due to the fishing industries held there and the large tourist attractions in the area. so now the oil spill is now the main debate topic in that area. being an independednt means that he is basically free of the plans the other parties are trying to perform.

rlepak said...

I think that being an Independent will not help Crist, but hurt him. After all the reason he had to switch to independent was because he was not winning the Republican nomination. Also, I do believe that the race will now go to the Democrat. This is because Republican votes will be spilt between the Independent party and the Republican party, leaving the Democrats with a slightly larger majority of the votes.