Saturday, January 09, 2010

From ABC News:

"...We had no domestic attacks under Bush. We’ve had one under Obama,” Giuliani said.


klatour said...

Ouch, Rudy. He seems highly critical and even a touch bitter towards President Obama. I'm not sure what Giuliani believes he would have done, had he been elected president. Despite his harsh criticism about the attempted Christmas Day bombings, I do agree with him that the attempted bomber should be tried in military court. Although I'm not certain what the justification is to try him in civilian court, this appears to be a case that the military court was designed for. Officials have said they have already gotten a lot out of Abdulmutallab, but they feel like there is more information still necessary to obtain. A military court, again, is perfect for this situation and as Giuliani said, above all, it would be a very timely process.

Anonymous said...

wouldn't the 9/11 attacks count as domestic attacks? As a civilian i don't think he really has the jurisdiction to call out president Obama like that.

Astoiber said...

to quote the hangover, "classic mix up". u cant blame the guy. he probably just forgot abt 9/11.

OR... this is more evidence that 9/11 was an inside job conducted by the bush administration and rudy giuliani was a key player in the controlled demolition.

OR.. hes just a dumbass republican who has nothing better to do than bash the left for "weak" national defense

Or... hes just old and forgetful

We report you decide

rlepak said...
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rlepak said...

I understand Rudy is a Republican and is looking for ways for so that the people favor Republicans over Democrats. However, considering he was the MAYOR OF NEW YORK during the 9/11 attacks, all he really did was make a fool out of himself. 9/11 was ten times worse than the attempted Christmas Day bombing. Giuliani lost standing as a politician by saying this.

AAgostini said...

Giuliani has definitely lost any credibility his opinions on the Christmas Day incident may have had by making the "no domestic attacks" comment. The far-reaching effects the 9/11 attacks had on citizens will probably lead them to dismiss anything else Giuliani has to say in this interview. The belief that the Republicans seem to be have is that
"it creates the impression that terrorists are rewarded with the full panoply of rights and privileges of an American if they attack defenseless civilians at home, but not if they attack our government or military interests abroad."
But because this was an attempted attack on the American people, it seems that the American people should get to try Abdulmutallab in civil court. Either way the focus should be on preventing such a situation again in the future, not on which court should try Abdulmutallab.

nsomers said...

I think the only good point that Giuliani had was that 30 hours was not enough time. I think it would have been a better idea to put Abdulmutallab into a military prison so that, like Guiliani said, we would have as much time as needed to question him and get the information that we need.

Tyler Kehoe said...

This is why i hate politics. People say the stupidest things. First off, 9/11 was NOT an attack by the Bush Administration. You cant tell me that the government planned an attack on its own country in order for it to fail?
Anyway, I could right a book on why 9/11 was true.
Rudy-your intelligence is as superior to a rock and a rock only. Seriously?!?!??!? Tell you what, if the republicans would just shut their mouths, (thanks to the democrats who resigned and now have only 59 votes in the senate and will now accomplish nothing) will be relelected quickly as nothing is being done by democrats. America is impatient, but republicans, you need to be.

j.polinski said...

Any accomplishment or respect Rudy Giuliani has earned over his career will now be looked over after this ridiculous comment he made. Hopefully this man was recently diagnosed with Alzheimers, but either way it is an embarassment to the entire Republican party.

Unknown said...

I agree with Giuliani up to a point. Yes, the Christmas day bombing should have been handled in a military court and no, 30 hours is not enough time to get all the information out of the attempted bomber. I also believe however that Giuliani was trying to hard to talk dowm President Obama and the democrat party. I agree with Kate, this was a little harsh.

Unknown said...

Mr. Bretzmann, I finally got it to work!

Brandon D said...

Rudy Giuliani has deffinetly drawn a lot of negative attention on his rediculous comment and his image has taken a big hit as well.

Mr. Bretzmann said...

Yay Nicolette! And it's not even second semester yet!