I would like to see Mario Cuomo run for president and win. He is a great speaker, an intellectual, and an intense advocate for all the people. He would restore confidence in the presidency by explaining what he is doing even when he is making tough decisions. He would make an argument for what he believes in instead of attacking people personally who disagree with him. He's someone I would be proud to follow. Unfortunately, I don't think he'll ever consider running again. Am I stuck in the 80's? If you get a chance, take a look at his speeches at the Democratic Conventions. You can see a picture and listen at: http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/cuomo1984dnc.htm
This blog is a place for us to give our Analysis and Opinions on important topics related to civics, government and politics. Analysis is a clinical interpretation of items, issues, ideas, or events and an explanation of their impact on the future (i.e. something you think is going to happen). Opinion is composed of your reactions, feelings, and beliefs on items, issues, ideas or events (i.e. something you would like to happen). Even though they are your opinions, they should be based in fact.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Opinion: Who would you like to have as the next president of the U.S.? Give specific reasons.
I would like to see Mario Cuomo run for president and win. He is a great speaker, an intellectual, and an intense advocate for all the people. He would restore confidence in the presidency by explaining what he is doing even when he is making tough decisions. He would make an argument for what he believes in instead of attacking people personally who disagree with him. He's someone I would be proud to follow. Unfortunately, I don't think he'll ever consider running again. Am I stuck in the 80's? If you get a chance, take a look at his speeches at the Democratic Conventions. You can see a picture and listen at: http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/cuomo1984dnc.htm
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This is a great idea for a blog. I would be interested in how your students respond to the idea. Hope it works out for you!
Get rid of your parachute pants and join us in the 2000’s.
Many people seem to be stuck on re-establishing the Clinton (Bill) years; they seem to find this an idealistic era in which nothing bad ever happened. Many find Al Gore, Clinton’s second in command, a good choice, but look what happened the last time he ran. There was debate, disputes, and recounts, we all seemed to become experts on the dimpled chads. I think the country should look forward to a new era and not back, especially not to pre-9-11 standards and ways of thinking.
I think that Condoleezza Rice would be a fantastic candidate. I believe that many people are ready for a woman to become President, not to mention that many others would also love to see an African-American as the President.
Rice has lots of experience in the political world having been assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and Secretary of State. She also has significant experience in the academic world as Stanford University's Provost where she was the institution's chief budget and academic officer. In addition she is well connected in the corporate world having served on the boards of Chevron Corporation, Charles Schwab Corporation, University of Notre Dame, J.P. Morgan and the San Francisco Symphony.
Rice has moderate conservative views which would serve our country well for the next four years. To bad I won’t be 18 until one week after the next election.
I am split between the idea of
Gore or Feingold. I like Gore because, among other things, he is an enviornmentalist and that is something I definately think we need right now. I like Feingold as well. I have met the guy and he struck me as a very honest person, something that his politics agree with. We could use someone with a concious in the White House in '08.
I would like to have Rudy Giuliani become the next president of the United States. I believe his effort after the September 11th attacks were outstanding and he was determined and dedicated. His leadership during that difficult time was what made him a perfect candidate. He was able to increase the economy in New York City and decrease the crime, so maybe he can put forth effort to the whole nation in those areas. I think he would make an outstanding president.
I would like Barack Obama to be the next president of the United States. Even though some people say he doesn't have enough experiece, I feel he does. He is very charismatic and he easily appeals to younger voters. I agree with many of his views and I believe he will make a great president.
I think it's funny how all possible "good" candidates then are now, or never really were, huge stand outs.
I liked this one :)
I would like to have Senator Barack Obama the junior senator from Illinois be elected president, because I really agree with his messages about health care and the economy. At this point right now he seems like a long shot, but he has wisdom beyond a man of his years and is more of a real person than a politician. While certainly not the most experienced president he is definitely a better candidate than former President Hillary Rodham Clinton (who will be a close second choice to america even beating out the republican nominee by a fair margin). He really wants to confront the racism and the stereotypes that all African-Americans are uneducated athletes. While an athletic president, he also graduated magnum cum laude from Harvard. He will be the president after the next election.
I'm not just saying this cuz im from the future, it's all just a prediction.
I agree with Mikef. i think Obama is the best candidate because he does believe in more than a person that a politician, he really cares about the people and not earning a buck. I also like his health care and economy ideals.
barack obama...
AHA! Finally, Alex can see some proof of the elusive Mr. Bretzmann ideology that he has tried his best to rile out of hiding. As it turns out, Mr. Bretzmann is indeed a supporter of a liberal candidate for president (or at least he would be, hypothetically, if it were still 2006).
I would not have supported a candidate from the Democrat-ick Party (as Mr. Bretzmann said the praty's name must be pronounced). Looking at a list of potential candidates going into 2008, I would have voted for a more fiscally conservative nominee, although I would have also favored a slightly socially liberal one too. On the list, the person who seems to match with my ideals most would have been Rudy Giuliani.
According to some statements he made in 2008, he favored a significant tax cut and improvement of the economy by allowing greater profits for businesses, rather than by wasting another couple of trillions on stimulus packages (which, by the way really put the -ick in Democratick Party). Also, on several large debates in social issues such as abortion and gun control, our beliefs match. He said he personally doesn't agree with abortion but believes women should have a choice- my view exactly. He also agrees with the right to bear arms with some reasonable restrictions (saying we should focus on criminals, not guns). However, he was a little too reserved in his stance for gay rights than I would be.
However, overall I would have to say that I would have supported Giuliani if he would have ran in 2008.
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